Monday, 22 August 2011

[5] Week 5 reflection

Collaborative discussion:

We met as a group at QUT yesterday to discuss and develop ideas for the group component of developing a mobile architecture. Going through the brief and through discussing possible approaches to creating a presentation of our strategy and architectural intent we all became familiar with how broad the possible responses could be. We used this to our advantage as much as possible in further exploring possible responses to an architecture servicing parliament or canberra and generated further parameters and ideas to which we can respond in developing an architecture.

I gained quite a lot from this meeting and solidified many ideas which I had vaguely considered - I now have a much stronger position on what is needed for canberra/parliament, and how a mobile architecture can best support this. The next phase of the process is developing refined ideas and parameters for the presentation coming up and use these to develop a set of boards exemplifying our conceptual response and the direction we intend to proceed in.

Artefacts produced within these discussions will be uploaded shortly.

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Mobile 2: Jane Foster
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